Playing songs for beginners
In this workshop, we’ll start to play some simple songs.
Let’s start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you sing you begin with
Do Re Mi…
On the Magic Flute with
A B C!
Practice the following first, it’s very important
Centering To keep the Magic Flute well-centered, it’s important that, each time before you start playing, you briefly suck in air. Keep the flute horizontal and suck in lightly until two arrows appear in the display. |
Pitch This dot indicates how close you are to the center of the chosen note. |
We use the first scale we encounter on the Magic Flute, “Scale Simple”. This scale consists of only 6 notes. That way you won’t lose track easily.
Scale Simple: G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5
During this lesson our motto will be “Learn as you do”, so let’s get started. The very first song will start with G, the lowest note in this scale.
1. Centre the flute and play
4/4 means that | there are | 4 beats | to the bar | | ||
Almost every note in this piece is 1 beat. | ||
Except the last two notes, they take 4 beats. | ||
They are connected to each other, using a tie. This turns them into one very long note of 8 beats. Do you have enough breath for a note of 8 beats? So there are long and short notes. | ||
Two notes of half a beat. | ||
2. Centre the flute and play “We will rock you”
3. Centre the flute and play “Mary had a little lamb”
This note takes 2 beats. | |
And if a note is followed by a dot, it takes 1½ times as long, so this one takes 3 beats! |
4. Centre the flute and play “Super trooper”
About intervals
Interval is a difficult word for the distance between two notes. In the two previous songs, all notes follow each other nicely on our scale. In the next song this is not true in two instances: one note has to be skipped. This makes it harder.
5. Centre the flute and play “Please porridge hot”
6. Centre the flute and play “Tune 16”
7. Centre the flute and play “Tune 28”
8. Centre the flute and play “No limits”
This is a half-beat rest. |
9. Centre the flute and play “Money money money”
If a note is followed by a dot, it takes 1½ beats. |
10. Centre the flute and play “Ode to Joy”
11. Centre the flute and play “London Bridge”
12. Centre the flute and play “Country Roads”
Notes with two flags require ¼ of a beat. Here you see two of them played after each other. |
13. Centre the flute and play “Tune 40”
3/4 means that | there are | 3 beats | in a bar | |
14. Centre the flute and play “Sonata Mozart”
15. Centre the flute and play “Twinkle twinkle little star”
16. Centre the flute and play
Workshop Magic Flute
1. Improvisation on the Magic Flute
2. Choice of notes and note usage
3. Playing songs for beginners
4. The power of the pentatonic scale
5. Turn your computer into a Magic Flute sound module
6. Working with the iPad in combination with the Magic Flute