switch guitar
The Switch Guitar is a guitar tuned to a single chord. A special system allows the musician to play a total of 3 chords with 2 switches. With 3 chords, you can play thousands of (pop) songs! It’s a solution for people who can’t (anymore) press strings themselves. Our website features an online teaching methode.
The adaptation is available for purchase at robertsengineering.nl.
Students from Mytylschool de Brug test the Switch Guitar
We use a Fazley electro-acoustic 3/4 western guitar where we have placed the strings very close to the neck. The guitar can be connected to an amplifier. That gives extra power to the sound.
The system is controlled by 2 external switches. The switches can be operated by hand or foot.
This guitar is used by people with acquired brain injury, muscle diseases, cerebral palsy and amputation.
Niels plays the guitar for the first time